[김한일 한인회장 취임 축사] 케빈 박 산타클라라 시 부시장

As  another year comes to a close, I want to express my gratitude for all  that you bring to our country and the Bay Area in particular. Your hard  work, intense dedication, and vibrant culture enrich our society in  innumerable ways, and I am deeply grateful for your time and effort.

It  is clear that the ravages of the global pandemic have not quite left us  as we face continued hardships, especially in the technology and  service sec-tors. While Korean individuals are strong, we will only  endure this challenge, and future challenges, by sticking together as a  community.

Everyone dedicated to helping their neighbors rise is the only way we will all rise together. 

And  I am committed to helping the community grow, not just in size, but in  voice. But that will not happen without our full dedication,  commit-ment, and support. And it will not always be easy. We will  occasionally have to chasten people within our own groups who are trying to divide us and prevent us from moving forward as a community. It is only by collectively calling them out and forcing change that improvement will come.

I  am grateful for the many who have embraced this spirit of unity, and I  am committed to working together with you to build a stronger, more  inclusive community, not just for Santa Clara, but all of the Bay Area.  Our community will be strengthened by all allies of Korean people,  whether they be by birth, marriage, adoption, or even friendship, and I  am committed to creating a place where everyone is treated fairly and  with respect.

Once  again, thank you for all that you do. I wish you and your loved ones a  happy and healthy new year, and I look forward to continuing to work  together in the year ahead.

Kevin Nara Park

Santa Clara City Council, District 4


#San_Francisco #Bay_Area #Korea_Center #샌프란시스코 #베이지역 #한인회관