[김한일 한인회장 취임 축사] 제니퍼 쳉 난징대학살 기념사업회 회장

Dear Dr. Jonathan Kim,

We  wish to extend our heartiest congratulations to you for being elected  as the 32nd President of the Korean American Community Center of San  Francisco. We also with to congratulate the Korean American community  for electing such a highly qualified, dedicated, devoted and  compassionate person to be the President of KACCSF. Your leadership will  help KACCSF become an even stronger organization so that it can better  serve its clients.

We  want to thank you for your dedication and commitment to seek justice  for the hundreds of thousands of women and girls, euphemistically called  “Comfort Women” who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial  Armed forces in thirteen Asian Pacific countries from 1931 to 1945. We  further are grateful for your annual attendance at our Nanjing Ji vigil  which is an event to remember the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre. The  Nanjing Massacre is often called The Forgotten Holocaust. We look  forward to work together with you as the President of KACCSF to fight  for justice.

Our Best Wishes to you and to the members of KACCS, 


Jennifer Cheung

Chair, Rape of Nanjing Redress Coalition

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